MultiPen – läsare med 125 KHz + 13,56 MHz + 868 MHz & Bluetooth interface

MultiPen – 3 i 1 RFID LÄSPENNA

The MultiPen is an innovative  Mobile RFID/NFC Reader, with capability of  reading UIDs of passive RFID TAGs with various  frequency combinations. The MultiPen allows to transfer UID reads via Bluetooth to the host-computer (Tablet, Laptop or Smartphone). It is also possible to store the UIDs in the integrated data base of the MultiPen. After connecting via Bluetooth- or USB the data can be sent to the host.  An integrated Real-Time Clock makes it possible to store time stamps related to the UID readings. The MultiPen makes RFID/NFC applications in mobile maintenance, inventory /asset management, guards control systems, in Logistics because of the easy handling quite efficient.  If RFID/NFC TAGs are mounted very close to each other or placed in the corner the small reading tip makes it possible to read the UIDs, so equipment can be identified easy and without restrictions. See more details in the attachements.



Pennformad mobil RFID-läsare UHF 868 MZ, 13,56 MHz & 125 kHz Bluetooth överföring.  Begreppet “MULTI” beror på att pennan har läsare som kan läsa taggar på olika frekvenser. Du kan välja kombinationer av frekvenser enligt nedan. Lästa taggdata överför pennan via Bluetooth till mottagande dator.

PENN-LÄSARE används vanligtvis i kombination telefoner, handdatorer eller surfplattor och där taggar ska läsas på kort avstånd. Anledningen till att ett kort läsavstånd krävs i vissa sammanhang beror på att man ska vara säker på att man läst rätt tagg. Exempelvis vi säkerhetsbesiktningar av lyftutrustningar mm.

I de fall man har behov av att använda riktigt små taggar med exempelvis 5 mm diam måste läsaren ha en antenn som ger ett koncentrerat antennfält för att överföringen av energi till taggens inbyggda antenn ska fungera.

MultiPen-läsaren är ett bra exempel på tysk kvalitet!

TECTUS RFID MultiPen reader
TECTUS RFID MultiPen reader

The MultiPen is an innovative  Mobile RFID/NFC Reader, with capability of  reading UIDs of passive RFID TAGs with various  frequency combinations. The MultiPen allows to transfer UID reads via Bluetooth to the host-computer (Tablet, Laptop or Smartphone). It is also possible to store the UIDs in the integrated data base of the MultiPen. After connecting via Bluetooth- or USB the data can be sent to the host.  An integrated Real-Time Clock makes it possible to store time stamps related to the UID readings. The MultiPen makes RFID/NFC applications in mobile maintenance, inventory /asset management, guards control systems, in Logistics because of the easy handling quite efficient.  If RFID/NFC TAGs are mounted very close to each other or placed in the corner the small reading tip makes it possible to read the UIDs, so equipment can be identified easy and without restrictions. See more details in the attachements.




  • Reads RFID TAG UIDs with various frequencies LF, HF, NFC, UHF
  • Connection and transmission of UIDs to Smart Phone, Tablet or Laptop via Bluetooth® or USB
  • UID appears on the device display
  • Makes fatigué free working whole day long possible because of 125 g light weight and with only one charged battery
  • Reads > 1.000 UIDs and > 10000 Bluetooth® operations with one time battery charging
  • HID interface (Keyboard Wedge Emulation)
  • Usable by wearing gloves
  • Protective bag availble as optional accessories


Supported Transponder ICs: EM4200 LF 125 kHz   (+/- 5 %)  ISO:   De-Facto Standard
Read Range:    30 mm  The read range varies between 10 and 30 mm and depends of RFID TAG
Type used. Hitag S 2048 LF 125 kHz   (+/- 5 %) ISO: De-Facto Standard
Read Range: 30 mm The read range varies between 10 and 30 mm and depends of RFID TAG
Read Range: 30 mm  The read range varies between 10 and 30 mm and depends of RFID TAG Type used. HDX Multi Page IC based TAG UIDs are supported as well.
EM4305 FDX-B  LF 134 kHz  (+/- 5 %) ISO: 1178411785
Read Range: 30 mm The read range varies between 10 and 30 mm and depends of RFID TAG Type used.
Read Range: 20 mm The read range varies between 10 and 30 mm and depends of RFID TAG
Type used. NXP MIFARE Classic 1K or 4K   HF 13.56 MHz   (+/- 5 %) ISO: 14443 Read Range: 10 mm  Reading of UIDs of the Mifare series is supported
NXP NTAG213  HF 13.56 MHz  (+/- 5 %) ISO:  14443   Read Range: 10 mm Reading of UIDs of the NFC NTAG series is supported
NXP NTAG216 HF 13.56 MHz   (+/- 5 %)  ISO: 14443  Read Range: 10 mm  Reading of UIDs of the NFC NTAG series is supported  I
nfineon my-d vicinity SRF55V10P  HF 13.56 MHz   (+/- 5 %)  ISO: 15693  Read Range: 20 mm  Reading of UIDs of the ISO15693 TAG series is supported
Alien Higgs 3  UHF 860 MHz … 960 MHz  (+/- 5 %) ISO: 18000-6 Read Range: 150 mm
Other types of ICs compliant to the UHF Class 1 Gen 2 standard are supported as well. The read range depends on the used tranponder type and the environmental conditions.
Supply Voltage: Integrated powerful battery with 2000 mAh, charging via USB
Length: 190.00mm
Width: 30.00mm
Height: 35.00mm
Weight: 125.00g

Colors: BlackBlue

MOQ: 1
Operation Temp. -20°C … 60°C
Storage Temp. -20°C … 60°C
Charging Temp. 0°C … 20°C
Reading Distance: 30mm

IP Class: IP54

Conformity: CERoHS

Integrated RFID Reader: RFID LF / HF / NFC UID reader developed by TECTUS
Antenna Connection: The RF antennas are integrated inside the device.

The MultiPen has 3 operating keys:
1. Power On / Off
2. Read RFID TAG
3. Bluetooth™ On / Off

Memory: 1.000 UID’s with date / time
Display: OLED Display 4 rows
Interface: Bluetooth® 2.1 Class 1, USB
Product Names:


Additional Information: 

  • SPP Protocol (Serial Port Profile)
  • Low Level Protocol with ASCII control commands (DLL’s or similar formats are not needed for programming of the communication between MultiPen and PC / Smartphone or Tablet)
  • ca. 10.000 reads under Bluetooth connection are possible (battery is fully charged and at room temperature 20°C).

Made in Germany 

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