Caen R1170IEHIDP / qIDmini / Keyfob Bluetooth UHF RFID med USB HID profil (ETSI)

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CAEN qIDmini handhållen UHF RFID-läsare i format som nyckelbricka

Caen R1170IEHIDP / qIDmini / Keyfob Bluetooth UHF RFID med USB HID profil (ETSI)

QIDmini (modell R1170I) är en handhållen läsare av easy2read ©-produktfamiljen. Den uppfyller UHF RFID ISO 18000-6C / EPC C1G2-standarder. QIDmini har en integrerad antenn som är lämplig för applikationer med kort till medelhög räckvidd,

Tack vare Bluetooth®-kommunikationsgränssnittet är det ett perfekt UHF RFID-tillägg för alla Bluetooth®-aktiverade värdar som en PC, en smartphone, en PDA eller en läsplatta. Läsaren är kompatibel med Windows, Android, iPhone och iPad.



TEKNISK MANUAL:  CAEN R1170I_qIDmini_Technical-Information-Manual_Rev_06


Produkten finns i varianter för bl.a. olika länder mm – för rätt artikelnummer kolla databladet!

Frequency Range

 865.600÷867.600 MHz (ETSI EN 302 208 v. 3.1.1) (Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP and R1170IENFHD)
 902÷928 MHz (FCC part 15.247) (Mod. R1170IUHIDP,R1170IUAPLP and R1170IUNFHD)
 920.625÷924.375 MHz (SRRC RFID national standards)(Mod. R1170IUNFHD with OPT.WPE1170NFACN)
 920.4÷923.4 MHz (ARIB T107 RFID national standards) (Mod. R1170IJHIDP and R1170IJAPLP)

RF Power
 Programmable in 18 levels from 5 dBm ERP (3mW ERP) to 22 dBm ERP (150mW ERP) (Mod. R1170IEHIDP
and R1170IEAPLP)
 Programmable in 13 levels from 5dBm ERP (3mW ERP) to 18dBm ERP (60mW ERP)(Mod. R1170IUHIDP
and R1170IUAPLP)
 Programmable in 18 levels from -8 dBm ERP (0,16mW ERP) to 9 dBm ERP (8mW ERP)(Mod. R1170IENFHD
and R1170IUNFHD)
 Programmable in 14 levels from 5dBm e.r.p. (3mW e.r.p.) to 19dBm e.r.p. (80mW e.r.p.) (Mod.
R1170IJHIDP and R1170IJAPLP)

Integrated linear (horizontal) (Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP, R1170IUHIDP, R1170IUAPLP,
R1170IJHIDP and R1170IJAPLP)
Integrated UHF Near Field Antenna (Mod. R1170IENFHD and R1170IUNFHD)

Number of Channels
 4 channels (compliant to ETSI EN 302 208 v. 3.1.1) ( Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP and R1170IENFHD)
 50 hopping channels (compliant to FCC part 15.247) (Mod. R1170IUHIDP, R1170IUAPLP and
 16 hopping channels (compliant to SRRC RFID national standards) (Mod. R1170IUNFHD with OPT.
 16 hopping channels with LBT (compliant to ARIB T107 RFID national standards) (Mod. R1170IJHIDP and

Standard Compliance EPC C1G2 / ISO 18000-63

Read Range Up to 90 cm (typical)(Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP, R1170IUHIDP,R1170IUAPLP, R1170IJHIDP and

USB Interface:
USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbit/s) device port
Interface: Class 2 with output power 4dBm EIRP
Virtual COM port parameters:
 Baudrate: up to 230.400kbps
 Databits: 8
 Stopbits: 1
 Parity: none
 Flow control: none

HID profile versions: mod. mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IUHIDP, R1170IJHIDP

Apple iOS iAP protocol versions: mod. R1170IEAPLP, R1170IUAPLP, R1170IJAPLP

User Interface
Button #1: ON/OFF
Button #2: Trigger
Led #1: power indication and battery status (green: high; red: low)
Led #2: communication activity (blue: Bluetooth; orange: USB)
Buzzer: bi tonal for events signalling
Vibration: for events signalling
Display: LCD Alphanumeric (8 chars x 2 lines)
Internal Buffer Size 48kByte (equivalent to 4096 EPC codes@96bit)

Battery Type Li-Ion 3.7V, 570mAh
Battery Life Operating: > 12h with 40.000 tag readings Standby: > 15 days
Battery Charging Time 2h (typical)

IP Rating IP 32 (Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP, R1170IUHIDP, R1170IUAPLP, R1170IJHIDP and R1170IJAPLP)
IP 30 (Mod. R1170IENFHD and R1170IUNFHD)

Dimensions (W)99 x (L)54 x (H)20 mm3 max. (3.9 x 2.1 x 0.8 inch3)
Length of USB Cable 1.5 m

Operating Temperature -10°C to +55°C
Weight 57 g (Mod. R1170IEHIDP, R1170IEAPLP, R1170IUHIDP, R1170IUAPLP, R1170IJHIDP and R1170IJAPLP)
58 g (Mod. R1170IENFHD and R1170IUNFH


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