MX5T USB DESK TOP 125 kHz + 13,56 MHz RFID R/W

1950 kr exkl. moms

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MX5T – USB DESK TOP 125 kHz + 13,56 MHz RFID R/W

MX5T m hand


Kombi-läsare! Samma enhet kan läsa/skriva 125 kHz + 13,56 MHz (MIFARE såväl som ISO 15693)

Inbyggd datakryptering med MX5 High Speed 32 bit processor. Triple DES, AES128 avancerade säkerhetsfunktioner samt maskning av data.

EM, TK, AT, Mifare A/B, ICode Compatible

Akustisk signal och lysdiod för godkänd läsning samt för felindikering

Mjukvarustyrning av TILL/FRÅN på ljudsignalen

Flera firmware i Flash som kan uppgraderas: USB-KB (tangentbordsemulering), USB-RS (serial) USB-HID, USB-Custom

Auto Caps Lock Detection, Valbart Upper or Lower Case Option

SDK – System Development Kits Available with DLL and Sample Source Code

MX5T-Tabletop is a Versatile RFID Reader/Writer which supports BOTH 125 KHz EM, 13.56 MHz Mifare and ICode RFID Cards all in one reader!

No need to purchase more than one reader, the MX5T-RFID will help your organization to save money. With the Built in Flash Upgrade option, your hardware will always be update

Ideal for varieties of applications, such as reading Advanced Driver’s Licenses, E-Credit Cards, E-Health Card or any other RFID Smart cards. Equipped with a multitude of configurations which are easily customized to your needs and applications.

 Typical Applications:

  •; line-height: 21px; background-position: 18px 8px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;”>E-Passport/E-Ticket/E-Identification
  •; line-height: 21px; background-position: 18px 8px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;”>Loyalty Program/Store Value
  •; line-height: 21px; background-position: 18px 8px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;”>Online Shopping/Banking/Gaming
  •; line-height: 21px; background-position: 18px 8px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;”>Network/Physical Access Control

MX5T- The One and Only Reader You Will Ever Need!







MANUAL: POSH MX5 reader/writer

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