Omni-ID Adept 850HM – High Memory Tag Optimized for metal
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Omni-ID® Adept 850HM – High Memory Tag Optimized for metal –
240 bit EPC & 64 kBits User Memory
Omni-ID’s Adept 850 är en hållbar UHF RFID-tagg med, för RFID-taggar, ovanligt stort minne. Den är utvecklad bl.a. med syftet att kunna spara produktionsdata i taggen under hela tillverkningsprocessen. Med 64 Kbits ”användarminne”, tunn profil, avrundade hörn och hål för säker fastsättning med skruv eller nit är taggen idealisk för montage på returlastbärare av metall och kommer att ge år av pålitlig funktion.
High memory tags behave as remote agents that intelligently
gather, store and provide information where and
when it is needed. The following are examples of locations
within a manufacturing facility where a High Memory Tag
brings value:
? Engine Carrier tags in assembly operations
? Trolley and Carrier tags in Power Train operations
? Dunnage /RTI tags for warehouse operations
Omni-ID’s Adept 850 High Memory Tag is an ideal solution for
applications where storing process data is important such as:
? Manufacturing & Supply Chain
? Automotive
? Outdoor & Industrial Operations
Physical Specifications
Material ABS
Size (mm)
65 x 45 x 8
+/- 0.5
Size (in)
2.56 x 1.77 x 0.31
+/- 0.02
Weight (g) 34
RF Specifications
Protocol EPC Class 1 Gen2
Frequency Range (MHz) 860-960MHz (global)
Read Range1 Up to 8.5 m (27.89ft)
Write Range Up to 4 m
On Metal or Balanced Optimized for metal
IC Type (chip) Qstar-2A
Memory 2 EPC – 240bits
User – 64Kbits
1. Quoted performance achieved using standard testing methodology. Read range will vary with
reader hardware and output power.
2. EPC and User memory are reprogrammable
Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature1 –20°C to +85°C
Operation Temperature –20°C to +85°C
Survivability –20°C to +85°C
IP rating IP68
Shock and Vibration2 MIL STD 810-G
Attachment3,4 Rivet/screw (not included)4
Foam adhesive (option)
Thin film adhesive (option)
Certifications RoHS approved
CE approved
ATEX/IECEx certified (option)
US&Canada (C1D1/D2) certified
Warranty 1 year
Artikelnummer: CP08897
PRODUKTBLAD: Omni-ID_Adept_850_datasheet
ÖVERSIKT TAGGAR i ADEPT-serien: hid-rfid-il-adept-tag-ds-en datasheet