Crosswave Classic M4E – etikett för logistik

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Crosswave Classic M4E – etikett för logistik – Ej på metall

RFID applications to track and trace goods from supplier to customers have become standard in around-the-clock logistics operations. As a milestone of ongoing progress, Confidex has collaborated with key logistics operators to develop the Confidex Crosswave™ RFID label family to meet today’s interconnected Logistics 4.0 requirements.

The first member of the product family Confidex Crosswave Classic™ comes with superior performance that is powered by the Impinj Monza 4E™ chip. The RFID labels provide digital identity of the shipments connecting them accurately to the IT systems with various reader setups.

As a key design criteria, the Confidex Crosswave Classic™ RFID logistics label is designed to work reliably –even though the assets face the reader in a wide variety of orientations while being handled.” said Miika Pylvänäinen, Senior Product Manager at Confidex. “This flexibility for RFID label orientation brings consistent read performance to simplify cross-docking and portal applications. Confidex is committed to delivering RFID logistics labels in high volumes, in custom formats, globally and cost-efficiently.”


PRODUKTBLAD:  Confidex_Crosswave_Classic_Datasheet

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