Confidex Carrier Tough II™

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Confidex Carrier Tough II™


Confidex Carrier Tough™ är en inkapslad tunn UHF RFID tagg främst tänkt för att märka olika former av returlastbärare av plast. Taggens uppbyggnad ger skydd mot mekanisk påverkan men också mot fukt och kemikalier. Det transparenta kapslingsmaterialet skydda också taggens eventuella streckkod eller annan visuellt läsbar information. Taggens antennkonstruktion gör att taggen fungerar bra även om den innehållet i behållaren har högt innehåll av vatten som fisk eller frukt.

Confidex Carrier Tough™ is an encapsulated, thin tag solution for tracking various plastic containers and plastic returnable transit items. The tag’s structure gives protection against impacts, but it also covers the barcode or other visual information making the printing tolerant against scratches or other wearing.

In the cases where plastic container structure does not have slot that would protect a label type of RFID tag, or when the container will face sharp mechanical impacts during its circulation, Carrier Tough will be the right tag choice. Additionally, due to its antenna design, Carrier Tough will perform well close to content with high dielectric constant, meaning fruits, fish or anything that has high water content.

PRODUKTBLAD:  CONFIDEX Carrier_Tough_Datasheet.pdf


  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Construction And Mining
  • Logistics And RTI Operation
  • Healthcare

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